♥ Nur Syahira Amira. You can call me Hyra. Small in size but loud. Friends complete my life. ♥
title: The survey:) I was tagged by ANNA and FADILAH to do this. I was bored so i did.
1. Besides Lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss? -Forehead or cheek. 2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning? -Sleepy.. 3. Who was the last person you took photo with? -Adriana <3> 4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? -err..npe.. 5. Would you ever donate blood?. -No.. 6. Have you ever had a bestfriend who was the opposite sex? -Yerp. 7. Do you want someone dead? Nope.. 8. What does the last message in your phone say? -"o,k." 9. What are you thinking right now? -Wat bag shud i bring tomorrow. 10. Do you wish someone with you right now? -Yurp,badly lorr . 11. What time did you went to bed last night? -10;30. 12. Where did you buy the T-shirt that you're wearing now? -Idk.. Mummy bought 4 me. 13. Is someone in your mind? - Yerp! 14. Who was the last person who texted you? -Fazianti. 15. 10 people to tagged to do this quiz. 1:Fadilah 2:Diana 3:Fazianti 4:Nana 5:Erra 6:Genevieve 7:Iraa 8:Fana 9:Ruby 10:Min 16. Who is 2 having relationship with? -Currently single rite now . 17. Is 3 male or female? - Female la. 18. If 7 & 10 get together, would it be a good thing? - Nope. Min is attached. 19. What is 1 studying about? -No idea. 20. When was the last time you had a chat with 5? -Just now in the hall. 21. Is 4 single? - Secret. 22. Say something about 2? -She's fun,likes to make us laugh,pretty. 23. What do you think about 3 & 6 being together? - Thy are not lesbias.. 24. Describe 9. - She's funny. 25. What would you do if 6 & 7 fight? -Just try to see if i can help,but most probably i don wanna interfere. 26. Do you like 8? - Yeeahh.. She's great.. She's always thre to hear me. thanks fana! |
title: Birthdays!! To ira,i hope you like my UPCOMIN PRESENT.. nyahahas..wait n see kay?? lols.. Happy bday kak lynda and iraaa!!! toodles peeps!! |
title: Random.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Randomly.. i told you peeps i will blog again.. coz i'm borrreeeddd!!!! nyahahasss... so,dat was some of the pics taken wif my fellow friends.. memories.. woohoo!! arrrggghhh!!! tomorrow maths ppr 2.. wahliao.. head can crack taw.. khai,how no calculator?? ahahaha!! buat kelaka lah kau khai. haha.. good luck to all sec two's in tkss for your maths ppr two exam yar.. do well.. can pass.. bt i don tink i can.. nyahahas.. chck2 tk cukop time.. hahass.. okelah.. and to _______ , thanks for helping me all dis while regarding _______ . bye peeps!! |
title: Recap!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Haha.. I got noting to do actualli.. bored lah seyh.. so i saw tis pictures and it reminded me of the day we went out for Hari Raye last year. miss those times a lot. i don have aniting to write right now.. so,i'll just describe today.. haha.. was bored.. I'm SICK. wth.. pening giler. tekak saket pulak tu.. tmperature high. haish.. then just onli just now,ade orng mintak knl2.. makk.. takde keje laen pe sah.. haha.. lawls.. yeah.. nak mkn.. i'll blog again ltr peeps.. Tata!! Hyra. |
title: The Times Khairi, khairi.. ahahaha.. This would be the how mny times also idk,we went out.. But it would be the third time we( Kak Lynda,me and Khairi) went out together to study at different places. Fuhh. Adventure. hahas.. First time we went Changi Airport wif firhan oso. Khairi n Firhan bcame the clowns for dat day.. hahas.. Khairi from Mexico, Firhan from USA. Second time we went to Fullerton, Starbucks. N dats whr Kak Lynda did her art work,metamorphosis. nyahahas.. Once again, Firhan and Khairi were the clowns for the day. The third time, Firhan wasn't there so me n Khai waited for Kak Lynda to finsh her exam then mit her. We went to Downtown East to stdy at McCafe. Then Khai terjatohkan air abeh ade orng nie kate ,"clean it up." Beh Khai kate "Fcuk you,mother fcuker." Asl blh jek die. Giler. Tkde keje. haha. lol. it was freaking fun.. Let's see where we go next.. Hahaha!!! :) My computer still siow2 a bit.. Haiyo.. Toodles, Hyra! |